Acupuncture and Laser Therapy
Acupuncture and laser therapy are adjunctive treatment modalities that can help treat a variety of medical conditions that affect your pet’s quality of life.
Acupuncture involves placement of very fine, sterile needles into specific anatomic locations known as points. Acupuncture was originally developed as part of traditional Chinese medicine based on the belief that insertion of needles into these points can manipulate energy flow (Qi) through channels that course through the body. Traditional Chinese medicine taught that illness or pain resulted from disturbances in Qi and that restoring the appropriate flow was necessary to treat the ailment.
As research continues, we are learning more about the scientific basis of how acupuncture works. Medical acupuncture uses many of the same TCM point locations, but more based on proximity to important anatomic structures, thus the effects can be explained by neuromodulation. Neuromodulation means stimulating the nervous system in specific ways to cause chemical changes that result in both local and far-reaching effects such as decreased pain, relaxation and improvements in function.
Acupuncture is most often used to treat pain associated with musculoskeletal problems such as osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, sports injuries, and traumatic injuries. In some cases, it can also be used to treat digestive, respiratory, skin and neurologic conditions.
Laser therapy can be used alone or with other therapies to help decrease pain and inflammation, increase blood flow, and speed healing of injuries. Laser therapy stimulates changes in cellular behavior by administering photons of light that are absorbed by cells and used to change the metabolic activities of the cell. Laser therapy is non-invasive, works quickly and is very enjoyable for many patients.
Consult your veterinarian to find out if acupuncture and laser therapy may help your pet enjoy day to day life a little more.